
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Water rockets

  1. What is the best number of fins?   I think four fins would be better because my one's didn't go far 
  2. What happens to the water rocket if you do not have fins?   it doesn't fly well . 
  3. What is the best nose shape?     one like an ice cream cone.
  4. What happens if you have a flat nose shape?   it doesn't fly well.
  5. Does ballast at the nose make any difference?  no. 
  6. What is the right amount of water?    A half of bottle of water .
  7. Explain what happens if you have too much water?  it doesn't fly .
  8. What is pushing the rocket to make it go faster? the air from the pump.
  9. Name the 4 forces that effect the water rockets flight?    the fins  and the cone  and water.
  10. What keeps the rocket moving once the water has all come out?   the  air .
  11.  If you were to make a water rocket again what changes would you make? make it a bit better